Homecare - Temporary Indirect Restorations
Now that we've placed a temporary inlay or onlay, it's important to follow these recommendations to ensure the success of your final restoration.
Chewing and eating
If we used an anesthetic during the procedure, avoid chewing until the numbness has worn off completely.
Avoid chewing for at least one half-hour to allow the temporary cement to set.
To keep your temporary in place, avoid eating hard or sticky foods, especially chewing gum. If possible, chew only on the opposite side of your mouth.
Brushing and flossing
Brush normally, but floss very carefully. Remove floss from the side to prevent removal of the temporary inlay or onlay.
If your teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or pressure, use a desensitizing toothpaste. If sensitivity increases or persists beyond a few days, call us.
Medication and discomfort
Take antibiotics or other medications only as directed.
To reduce any discomfort or swelling, rinse your mouth three times a day with warm salt water. Use about one teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. It's not unusual for your gums to be sore for several days.
When to call us
It's common and not a problem for a small portion of your temporary restoration to wear away or break off. However, if most or all of your temporary comes off, save the temporary and call us, so we can re-cement it. It's very important for the proper fit of your final restoration that your temporary stay in place.
Call our office if your bite feels uneven, you have sensitivity or discomfort that increases or continues beyond three or four days, or if you have any questions or concerns.