Pulp Capping

Keeping a tooth healthy

Whenever we must place a restoration close to the pulp of a tooth, there is a possibility that the pulp can become irritated or inflamed. In some cases, we may be able to keep the pulp healthy with a pulp capping procedure.

The procedure

The pulp capping procedure is used after decay has been removed from the tooth and before we place the filling, crown, or other restoration.

The first step is to determine whether pulp capping is right for your tooth. We confirm that there is no pain in the tooth and that the pulp is healthy and free of infection.

After we make sure that all the decay has been removed, we clean and disinfect the area. Then a special material is placed over the pulp chamber. This stimulates the inner tooth structure to repair itself and seal bacteria out of the pulp chamber.

Depending on your situation, we may place a temporary restoration, or we may place the final filling or crown. After the procedure is complete, we monitor the tooth for several months to make sure the pulp is healing.

The benefits of pulp capping

When pulp capping is successful, the procedure can soothe a tooth�s irritated pulp and help it to heal, seal out bacteria, and prevent the need for root canal therapy.

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